AnyStart is a very small, powerful tool, to facilitate the invocation of programs and files. After configuration, you have your favorite programs with only one key-button click available - always!
Do you know this (?): after a time you've got your favorite programs for quick access on your desktop and in the Quick Launch, untill it is full and quick access becomes slow access. If an application is running the desktop is not really reachable for the next program and navigate the start menu didn't become more convenient since Windows XP...
Improvement brings AnyStart:
After the first launch a dialog apears, as shown on the right. Please drag and drop your favorite programs to the list on the right side. Everything is possible - it doesn't matter if it is a program, a file, or a Link. If everthing is done just click the [Apply] button to save your settings (fig. 1).
Now you can run the AnyStart menu any time you want:
Therefore hold down the left [Ctrl]-key while pressing the right mouse button. The menu apears under the mouse pointer position and a simple mouse click launches the selected entry (fig. 2).